Rubus illecebrosus

Strawberry and Raspberry (Rubus illecebrosus )

The strawberry - raspberry (Rubus illecebrosus ), also known as Japanese raspberry, is a plant of the genus Rubus. It is not identical with the Japanese wine berry (Rubus phoenicolasius ).


The strawberry - raspberry is a perennial herbaceous plant or a subshrub, its rhizomes are long and form underground creeping stolon. The individual rods are 20-40 inches long, upright and thorny. The leaves are pinnate.

The flowering period extends from July to September. In a terminal inflorescence doldigen the flowers are borne. The hermaphrodite, radial symmetry flowers have a diameter of about 4 centimeters. The petals are white.

The fruits are nearly round to broadly elliptical illuminate and striking, but they are of bland taste.


The strawberry - raspberry is native to Japan, where it grows in thickets and on wasteland.


The strawberry - raspberry occasionally found as an ornamental use, especially because it accepts various locations, as long as they are not too shady. You can, however, spread greatly through their processes and be so annoying.


  • Simon, Jelitto, shaft: The Field - Jewelry perennials, Vol 2, p 800, Ulmer, 2002, ISBN 3-800163-78-0