Rudolf Kraus

Rudolf Kraus ( born October 31, 1868 in Mladá Boleslav, Austria - Hungary, † July 16, 1932 in Santiago de Chile ) was an Austrian physician of the " Vienna School of Medicine " who accomplished significant achievements particularly in the fields of pathology, bacteriology and immunology and is considered a pioneer of Clinical Chemistry and laboratory Medicine.

Kraus began his career at Salomon Stricker at the Institute of General and Experimental Pathology, University of Vienna. Stricker aimed at to combine experimental research with clinical practice and drew nigh many outstanding scientists, including the young Rudolf Kraus belonged. Based on his experimental work at the University Kraus published in 1897 the first publication to immunoprecipitation in the Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift.

Shortly before the First World War left Kraus Austria and spent ten years in South America, where he conducted important microbiological work in Argentina, Chile and Brazil and zoom formed a number of students. During this time he served as Director of the Bacteriological Institute - Serotherapeutischen in Buenos Aires and of Bacteriological Institute in Santiago de Chile. In 1923 he returned to Vienna and continued his work on Serotherapeutischen Institute of the University.

After his death, Rudolf Kraus was buried in an honorary grave in the dedicated arcade fire hall Simmering directly next to the urn niches by Guido woodcutter and Friedrich Knauer.
