Rufino José Cuervo

Rufino José Cuervo ( born September 19, 1844 in Bogotá, † July 17, 1911 in Paris) was a Colombian Romance, Hispanist and linguist.

Life and work

Cuervo grew up in Bogotá as a child of the temporary (1847 ) on the President Rufino Cuervo. When he lost his father at age nine, and the revolutionary turmoil made ​​a normal schooling impossible, he made himself as self-taught philologist ( Latinist and Romanist ) approach, which has received international recognition with 30 years (famous is the reaction of August Friedrich Pott ). He recognized the need for a Europe stay, procured together with his older brother Angel (1838-1896) the means by building and selling a brewery and changed (after a 15-month trip to Europe 1878-1879 ) finally in 1882 to Paris ( rue Meissonier ), where he devoted the second half of his life to research and the wide-ranging letter Contact (3000 letters ) with virtually all medical representatives in the world. Graziadio Ascoli in 1900 called him the prince of the Spanish philologist.

Cuervo Dictionary Diccionario de construcción y de la lengua castellana régimen (AB, Paris 1886; CD, 1893, AD, 2 vols, Bogotá 1953-1954, 2270 pages, AZ, 8 vols, Bogotá in 1994, 8225 pages, Barcelona 1998) whose publication he broke off, even though she was prepared to the letter L, and it was not completed until 80 years after his death, yet remains one of the greatest lexicographical one-man performance at all.

Cuervo was from 1878 a corresponding member of the Real Academia Española and the Academia Mexicana de la Lengua. He was an honorary doctorate from the University of Berlin ( 1910).

The Instituto Caro y Cuervo Founded in 1942, took the care of Cuervo factory and correspondence to the task.

Other works

  • Apuntaciones Críticas sobre el lenguaje bogotano, Bogotá 1867-1872, 9th Edition 1955
  • ( with Miguel Antonio Caro ) Gramática de la lengua latina para el uso de los que hablan castellano, Bogotá 1867, 1869; 10th edition, Bogotá 1972
  • (Editor ), Andres Bello, Gramática de la lengua castellana destinada al uso de los Americanos, Paris, 1891, 1898; ed. Ramón Trujillo, 2 vols, Madrid 1988
  • ( with Angel Cuervo [ 1838-1896 ] ) Vida de Rufino Cuervo [ 1801-1853 ] y noticias de su época, 2 vols, Paris 1891
  • (Ed.) Angel Cuervo, Cómo se evapora un ejército, recuerdos personales de la campaña que el 18 de julio de concluyó 1861 con la toma de Bogotá por los revolucionarios, Chartres 1900
  • El Castellano en América, Bogotá in 1935 ( in Manuel Antonio Bonilla, Don Rufino José Cuervo y su obra )
  • Escritos Literarios, ed. Nicolás Bayona Posada, Bogotá 1939
  • Obras de Rufino J. Cuervo ineditas, ed. Félix Restrepo, S. J. [ 1887-1965 ], Bogotá 1944
  • El castellano en América, Buenos Aires, 1947 ( with a study of Cuervo by Rodolfo N. Ragucci )
  • Disquisiciones sobre Filología castellana, ed. by Rafael Torres Quintero, Bogotá 1950
  • Obras, 2 vols, Bogotá 1954
  • Notas de la lengua a la gramática castellana de don Andrés Bello, ed. Ignacio Ahumada Lada, Bogotá 1981
  • Obras, 4 vols, Bogotá 1987