Rumba, Estonia

58.73472224.154444Koordinaten: 58 ° 44 'N, 24 ° 9' O

Rumba is a village (Estonian küla ) in the rural community Lihula ( Lihula vald ) in Lääne.

Population and location

The place has now only four inhabitants ( 31 December 2011). It is located 41 kilometers southeast of the county town of Haapsalu.

In the village, the river flows Velise ( Velise Jõgi ) in the river Vigala ( Vigala Jõgi ). The place is popular with anglers.


The village was heavily populated in the Middle Ages of Estonia Sweden. A watermill is detected since 1512. Towards the end of the 17th century, the majority of the inhabitants Estonians. 1826 was the tavern of the place. Today the ruins are still preserved.

1880 Best of Rumba became independent. First owner was Hans Tomberg, who built a modest main house made ​​of wood and some outbuildings. The farm prospered after the proclamation of Estonian independence in 1918. The manor house was then rebuilt during the Soviet occupation of Estonia to a store and apartments. Today, they are largely left to decay.

Rumba is located on the former major rail link between the city and the ferry terminal Rapla Virtsu. She was in operation from 1931 to 1968. The former concrete bridge for the railway over the river Velise is now used for road traffic. From 1937 to 1941 stood by a 38.6 m long bridge for pedestrians and cars. It was destroyed during the Second World War.

The town had a railway station, which is now only preserved as a ruin.
