Russula amethystina

Amethyst Russula ( Russula amethystina )

The amethyst - Russula ( Russula amethystina Syn: Russula turci var amethystina ( Quél. ) ) is a mushroom of the family of Täublingsverwandten. The Täubling sees the iodoform Täubling confusingly similar, so many authors view it only as a variety. However, the two species are not genetically very closely related to each other, although they can be distinguished only sure about their spores ornament. The Täubling is a typical spruce companion.


Macroscopic characteristics

The three to seven inches wide hat varies in color between violet, purple, burgundy and wine brown. Often the Hutmitte is colored darker. The hat skin is completely removable. It is velvety in dry weather, in wet weather, however, very greasy.

The slats are only white and tinted until the age ocher.

The club-shaped stem is initially white and later yellowish to brownish and usually hollow. The flesh is white, later becoming dull yellowish. It tastes mild and smells in the stem base often strongly of iodoform.

Microscopic characteristics

The spore powder is colored pale ocher. The spores are 8-10 × 6-8 microns wide ellipsoid. The warts are 0.7 to 1 micron high, usually prickly - pointed and are often isolated and far apart. However, individual warts can be grid -connected by fine lines.


The amethyst - Täubling can be very similar to other similarly colored, inedible Täublingen. Especially similar are the violetthütigen russulas with yellowish fins from the subsection Sanguinae. These usually occurs after a short time, a burning sensation on the tongue. The iodoform also edible Russula is the amethyst Täubling so similar that he was considered by many authors for conspecific. The two species can only be reliably differentiated microscopically. Macroscopically, they should differ according to the manual for fungal friends through the gelbfleckige by water drops hat skin Amethyst Täublings; by heavy rainfall they may even be recolored yellow to a large extent. The iodoform Täubling does not have this discoloration.


There are specimens that have a yellow hat from the beginning; they form the variation gilva. First, a distinction nor the type R. turci, which was incorporated in the 1930s with R. amethystina. Specimens classified with a more pronounced mesh pattern on the spores in a variation turci and those designated with a weaker power than variation amethystina. This division initially proved extremely difficult to understand. Phylogenetic studies show that both kinds are not so closely related as it suggests the outward appearance.


The amethyst - Täubling, like all russulas, a mycorrhizal fungus, the various conifers ( spruce, Scots pine and silver fir ), but preferably with the spruce in symbiosis. It is found in especially on sandy soils in acid coniferous forests, but it also occurs in beech forests with scattered conifers and on neutral or weakly basic Kalkgesteinsböden.

The fungus comes from the planar front to the upper montane altitudes, being found at altitudes around 100 meters with most of the pine trees, at altitudes over 1000 meters with spruce or pine mixed forests. The fruiting bodies are formed between us in July November, with a peak in August and September is available.


The fungus is found in large parts of Europe. The distribution area extends to Morocco and Algeria in North Africa. In addition, the Amethyst Täubling be found on the Canary Islands.
