Russula densifolia

Dichtblättriger Schwärz - Russula ( Russula densifolia )

The Dichtblättrige Schwärz - Russula ( Russula densifolia ) is an inedible fungus family of Täublingsverwandten ( Russulaceae ). The firm flesh, medium Täubling has densely packed lamellae and is greyish or brownish- black with age. The meat turns reddish when cut first and then gray - blackish.

  • 5.1 Infra Generic Systematics
  • 7.1 Notes and references


Macroscopic characteristics

The hat of the Dichtblättrigen Schwärz - Täublings is 5-9 (maximum 11) cm wide. The hat is beginning to be rolled, then spread and finally depressed. He turns whitish rußgrau from the beginning, brown to olive green to dirty. At the edge he is usually more brightly colored. Jung is the hat skin sticky in humid weather also greasy.

The slats are - as well as the name suggests - very tight. They are white, to off-white, narrow ( up to 11 mm high ), thin, with mixed linear and regular and grown on a stick until shortly decurrent. Many are forked at half height. The stem is short, solid, cylindrical shaped or thickened upwards and of approximately the same color as the hat.

Also the meat is firm and white. When breaking or cutting of the hat to the flesh colors within about three minutes reddish, then from the bottom up grauschwärzlich. The fungus smells fruity to musty and has a mild to sharpening union but also unpleasant earthy taste. The spore powder is white.

FeSO4 discolor the flesh is weak green to green -gray, in part, the response is also weak to non- detectable. When phenol test the flesh discolored purple-brown to wine red, while the Formoltest leads to a carmine- red to orange- red discoloration.

Microscopic characteristics

The spores are ovoid 7-9 microns long and 6-7 microns wide. With small, less than 0.5 microns high warts that are connected to each other by numerous fine lines and form a well-developed network. Hat hyphae are cylindrical or narrowing towards the tip, 3-4 microns wide. Pilozystiden occur only sporadically and do not react with Sulfovanillin. The four sterigmata are 7-8 microns long.


The Schwarztäublinge with closely spaced fins are not always easy to distinguish. The smoke - Brown Schwärz Russula ( Russula adusta ) is usually much larger, his cap diameter is 13-20 cm. When it turns red and gray the meat very slowly.

The black start ends Täubling ( Russula albonigra ) the meat runs to directly and rapidly black. The taste especially in the lamellae is menthol- bitter.

When quite rare Lachsblättrigen Schwärz - Russula ( Russula anthracina ) blackens the meat also without redden before, also of taste have the creamy white fins a salmon pink reflex, the smell is slightly fruity, schärflich.


The Dichtblättrige Schwärz - Täubling like all russulas a Mykorrhizabildner. His hosts are both deciduous trees such as birch (Betula ), hornbeam (Carpinus ), beech ( Fagus ) and oak (Quercus ) and conifers such as white fir ( Abies ) and spruce (Picea ).

The Russula found in montane fir rich or acidophilous beech and oak-beech forests, as well as in oak-hornbeam forests and thermophilous oak mixed forests. But it also occurs in spruce bog forests and spruce and pine forests. The fungus tolerates dry, acidic to weakly basic soils gravel, rubble / debris, sand, silicate rocks and brown earth soils.


The fungus is found in western and central Europe, Asia ( Japan, North and South Korea) and North America (Canada, USA). Also from North Africa (Morocco ), there is evidence. The Täubling has been detected in France, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Poland and Hungary.

In Germany it is common from flatland mountain range to the high mountain country.


The scientific Artattribut ( epithet ) " densifolia " derives from the Latin adjective densus ( tight) and the noun " folium " (leaf ) from, and is an allusion to the very dense fins.

Infra Generic Systematics

The Dichtblättriger Schwärz - Täubling belongs to the sub-section Nigricantinae, which is in the section Compactae. In this sub- section relatively large and robust russulas summarizes the blunt have whitish, grayish or blackish hats and their flesh becomes red in case of injury, gray or blackened.


The Schwarztäublinge often quite normal to come as edible mushrooms hardly in question, because their meat is too hard and, therefore, difficult to digest, and her moldy taste is not inviting.


  • Russula densifolia. In: MycoBank ( Fungal Nomenclature and Species Data Bank). International Mycological Association, accessed on 7 February.
  • Henri Romagnesi: Les Russules d'Europe et d' Afrique du Nord. essai sur la valeur et taxinomique spécifique of caractères morphologiques et microchimiques of spores et des revêtements. Bordas, Paris 1967, p 206 ( MycoBank ( Fungal Nomenclature and Species Data Bank) ).
  • Russula densifolia. In: Partial Russula species database of the CBS - KNAW Fungal Biodiversity Centre. Accessed on February 7, 2014 ( English, spore drawings and tabular listing of the macro-and microscopic features ( basierden H. Romagnesi 's " Les Russules d'Europe et d' Afrique du Nord " ) ).
  • Alfred Einhellinger: The genus Russula in Bavaria. In: Bibliotheca Mycologica. 3rd edition. Volume 112, Berlin / Stuttgart 1994, ISBN 978-3-443-59056-7, p 68