Samuel Oppenheim

Samuel Oppenheim ( born November 19, 1857 in Brown Mountain, Moravia; † August 15, 1928 in Vienna ) was an Austrian astronomer.

1875 Oppenheim began the study of mathematics, physics and astronomy in Vienna. The Magisterium audit was conducted in 1880. He worked from 1881 to 1887 at the Observatory of Vienna and from 1888 to 1896 at the also located in Vienna private Kuffner observatory. In 1884 he received his doctorate, and in 1899 he received his habilitation of Theoretical Astronomy. After working as a teacher in Prague from 1911 he was professor of astronomy at the University of Vienna.

Oppenheim conducted research primarily on celestial mechanics, in particular movements of comets, gravity, the phenomenon of precession and the kinematics and statistics of the stars. He was co-editor of the Encyclopedia of Mathematical Sciences.


  • Oppenheim, S.: astronomy. In: Encyclopedia of mathematical sciences with the inclusion of their applications. 6.2.1, 1919-1922.
  • Oppenheim, S.: astronomy. In: Encyclopedia of mathematical sciences with the inclusion of their applications. 6.2.2, 1919-1922.