Sauce de Portezuelo

Sauce de Portezuelo on the map of Uruguay

Sauce de Portezuelo, also briefly called Portezuelo, is a village in Uruguay.


It is located on the territory of the department of Maldonado in the 3rd sector Sauce de Portezuelo borders it to the south coast of the Río de la Plata, while connecting the east and north of Ocean Park La Capuera. A few kilometers north-east extends the Laguna del Sauce. West of sauce de Portezuelo opens the Arroyo de la Barra Falsa.


On the northern edge of the village the Ruta Interbalnearia / Ruta 93 leads over. In less northeasterly away is the Capitán de Corbeta Carlos A. Curbelo airport.


Sauce de Portezuelo had 2011 128 inhabitants, of which 71 male and 57 female.

Source: Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Uruguay
