Schneppenbach (Westerbach)

Mouth of Waizenbaches (right) in the Schneppenbach

The Schneppenbach is a right tributary of the West Erbaches, in the district of Aschaffenburg in Bavaria Spessart.


The name comes from the old Schneppenbach words Sneppen and stream out what Bach means faster. The brook gave the place its name Schneppenbach.


The Schneppenbach arises between Geiselbach and Hofstädten on state road 2306, by the confluence of two small source streams. One of them is being built near the Geiselbach headwaters north of the road. The other arises from a reeded meadow. The Schneppenbach flows south-east through Hofstädten after Schneppenbach, where it receives the wheat Bach and the Bach from the pipe surface. On the eastern outskirts of the village it flows into the Westerbach.


  • Wheat Bach ( right)