Schwäbische Post

The Swabian Post is a local newspaper in Ostalb. Your national pages refers the Swabian mail from the editorial department of Südwestpresse in Ulm.

Publisher is run by the family Theiss SDZ Druck und Medien GmbH & Co. KG, Aalen. The company and its subsidiaries employ approximately 320 total festangstellte employees, including 36 apprentices and trainees.


On January 29, 1837 as the first messenger of Aalen Aalen newspaper of the two Schwäbisch Gmünd booksellers John Raach and Philip Jacob Andreas Buck was founded. After the revolution of 1848 the printing house and the estate of Ludwig Gottlob Stierlin were taken. He received a concession to the publication of the official and intelligence - sheet Oberamt District Aalen, which in 1873 was given the new title cooker newspaper.

After the DC circuit by the majority shareholder " Nazi press " the kettle newspaper was during the time of National Socialism for cooker and National newspaper, which appeared for the last time on April 17, 1945.

On February 25, 1948 John Binkowski and Konrad Theiss received by the U.S. military government for the newly established Süddeutsche Zeitung service permission to publish the Swabian Post - newspaper for the county as Aalen twelfth newspaper in Baden- Württemberg.

In 1954, the book printing and publishing rights WA Stierlin the stove newspaper were taken over by the Swabian post.

In 1959, the Süddeutsche Zeitung, the service appears in Schwäbisch Gmünd Schwäbisch Gmünd daily mail.

The publisher of the Post and the Swabian Gmünd days post belonged in 1961 to the initiators and founders of rtv as a TV program supplement of the newspaper.

In 1965 the Swabian Gmünd post and the daily mail - by Publisher information as the first newspapers in the Federal Republic - printed on a newspaper rotary printing machine offset printing four-color process. Later, an expansion of offset printing in the commercial printing and a powerful offset reproduction followed.

2000, the Süddeutsche Zeitung service to today's name was changed SDZ Druck und Medien GmbH & Co. KG.

An online edition of the Swabian post appears since 13 February 2003.

In August 2006, received SDZ Druck und Medien, in his own words as the first German newspaper house, a certification according to ISO 12647 ( Process Standard Offset ).

Since December 2011 at the printing center Hohenlohe- Alb ( DHO ) in Crailsheim be the " Swabian Post" and the " Gmuender Daily Mail " printed. The DHO is one half each SDZ pressure and media, and the New Society Press Ulm.

Circulation and distribution area

The daily total paid circulation of the Swabian post is 24 159 copies.

The distribution area of the Swabian post includes the county seat Aalen with the part locations Unterkochen, Ebnat, Waldhausen, Dewangen, Wasseralfingen, Mayrhofen and Fachsenfeld, the community Abtsgmuend with the Teilort Untergröningen, the city Ellwangen with the part locations Schrezheim, Rindelbach, Röhlingen and Pfahlheim, the city Bopfingen with the part locations Unterriffingen, Trochtelfingen, Aufhausen, Oberdorf, Kerkingen and Baldern, the city Neresheim with the part locations Elchingen, Dorfmerkingen, Kösingen, Stetten, Schweindorf, Hohlenstein and Ohmenheim, the city leek home with the part locations Rottingen and Hülen, and the city Oberkochen and the communities Essingen, Neuler, West Hausen, Obergröningen, Adelmannsfelden, Rosenberg, Jagstzell, Ellenberg, Words to live by, Stödtlen, Tannhausen, Unterschneidheim, Kirchheim am Ries and Riesbürg.

Other lines of business of the SDZ Druck und Medien
