Segre (river)

Catchment area of ​​the Segre

The Segre is 265 km, the longest tributary of the Ebro. It rises on the northern edge of the Puigmal de Segre ( 2843 m), in the Regional Natural Park Pyrenees Catalanes, in the municipality of Llo and formed on the first ten kilometers of its running length, the Segreschlucht ( Gorges du Sègre ). After the exclave Llívia it passes the Spanish border. In the headwaters of many small mountain streams flow into the Segre, including the Valira ( la Gran Valira ), which drains about 90 % of the territory of Andorra. The Segre runs in a southwesterly direction on Catalan territory until shortly before its confluence with the Ebro near the small town Mequinenza, located in Aragon in the eastern tip of the province of Zaragoza. The Ebro is above the confluence of the Segre to a large lake dammed ( Embalse de Mequinenza, called " Mar de Aragón " ), the mouth is located in the storage area of ​​the Riba- roja de Pantà. South of Fraga leads the almost evenly matched Creek Cinca in the Segre. By far the largest city on the river is Lleida, capital of the homonymous province.
