
The self-image called in psychology the idea that someone has of himself or makes. The concept of self-image coincides partially with the concept of personal identity, but refers more than this to psychological and morale was stronger aspects and is subject to changes and fluctuations. The self-image is based on self-perception; the perception of others on how third parties perceive someone from the outside. The self-image is measured by the ideal image, that is, of how someone wants to be. Self-image and ideal self-concept are summarized.

Functions of the self-image

The self-image controls the thinking, feeling and behavior. The conformity of self-image and image as well as the desire of self -perception and perception are essential for the performance, mental health and to adequate dealing with third parties. The clearer the self-image is, and the better it matches the external images, the more clearly the difference can be seen for the pictures. This then personal development steps can be derived.

Dimensions of self-image

The self-image is made up of different dimensions:

  • Cognitive elements: ideas of their own properties and its own nature
  • Emotional- affective elements: self-love and drive
  • Evaluative elements: self-assessment and attitude to one's own personality

For the cognitive dimension of self-image includes both the self- perception of oneself as a biographical embossed and in the course of time and the different experiences yet with themselves identical person (identity) as well as the knowledge of one's own character, its own values ​​, ideals and wishes, talents and gifts, the achieved social status, but also your own body and its effect on others. The self-image is always linked with emotional- affective elements and judgmental elements, if a person himself more or less due to its self-perception self-love and self-respect brings to and beyond also for self-criticism is capable of. The self-image based on a respective emotional and rational attitude to himself turn acts back on one's own actions and their own motivation and thus also on the self-image.

For psychological and psychotherapeutic purposes can the self-image of an individual in various categories consider and classify:

  • Valence: positive, negative, ambivalent ( ambivalent ).
  • Stability: constant value, or fragile, fleeting, changeable.
  • Congruence: Self - image and external image should not be too much or too strongly differ from each other in order not to cause permanent conflicts or relationship problems within the living milieu.

Feedback as a correction

Feedback allows the recipient to compare his self-image with positive images and to correct it if necessary. A positive self-image is enhanced by an appreciative environment.
