
A sesshin (Chinese接 心, pinyin jiē xīn, W.-G. Chieh Hsin; jap接 心) is a period of varying length with concentrated Zen meditation. It takes place in a Zen monastery or training center, where much of intense zazen is practiced as in the daily practice of Zen. The program of a sesshin is characterized by frequent and possibly longer meditation periods. Depending on the orientation, meals are also served in the zazen posture during a sesshin. Prolonged sitting periods are frequently interrupted by Kinhin ( walking meditation ). The practice of silence is the concentration and non- distraction.

In an otherwise monotonous appearing expiry of zazen and sutra recitation Kinhin ask, Koan practice, dokusan ( personal conversation with the teacher ) and the Teisho ( lecture ) of Roshi viewed from outside distractions special dar.

However, these activities serve the " familiarity with one's own mind" and be exercised / perceived, as in the posture of zazen itself with the same mindset.

Meals are taken in the form of ritual ( oryoki ) together and in silence. All activities, including minor works, Samu ( washing dishes, cleaning, gardening, etc.) are performed in presence of mind, a certain form and mindfulness. Through the practice of " concentrated doing ' is given to the students with a way to transport developed in the motionless posture of zazen spirit in the activities of daily life and implement.

At the beginning of the practice of Zen thought, which is a wild monkey, according to Rinzai takes two to three days to settle down and come to rest; only a phase of clear mind and understanding, which can lead to Kensho ( essences ) and Satori ( Awakening ) begins. Longer sesshin require a certain amount of practice in meditative sitting ( zazen ).

By sesshin practice daily zazen practice is deepened. In the course of progressive practice, there are fewer and fewer differences between the concentrated " sesshin Spirit " and the daily consciousness.

The sesshin in Zen Buddhism are not to be confused with the same exercises at Shinnyo -En.
