Shatsky National Natural Park

The National Park Shatsk (Ukrainian Шацький національний природний парк / Schazkyj nazionalnyj pryrodnyj park ) in Ukraine which originally included 32 515 ha in 1999 it was extended to 48977 ha, name-giving is the area lying in the small town Shatsk. The National Park is bordered by the following rivers: From Pischa in the north to the south and from Samiilytschi Pulemez in the west to the east Prypiat. It is divided into four different protection zones with different protection schemes. The richness of the park are 24 lakes with a total area of ​​6400 hectares, which accounts for about 14 % of the total; the largest is the Svityaz Lake. More than half of the park is covered by forests, mainly coniferous trees. 4 % of the park are bogs, which occur mainly near the lakes. The largest peatland complex is situated in the eastern part of the park. Approximately 7 % of the area is grassland and 25 % cropland. The park is considered one of the Rokitnosümpfen.

At the beginning of the Second World War, the Battle of Szack took place here.
