Shoku Nihongi

The Shoku Nihongi (続 日本 纪Japanese, German " continuation of the Nihongi, Chronicles of Japan continued " ) is a given from the Japanese imperial family commissioned history book of the early Heian period. According to the Nihongi, it is the second of the "Six annals " ( Rikkokushi ). The Shoku Nihongi is one of the most important historical sources of the Nara period.

Is treated for a period of 95 years, beginning with the accession of Mommu - tennō in 697 until the 10th year of the reign of Kammu - tennō 791 The work was completed in 797.

The Shoku Nihongi consists of 40 volumes and is written as usual for this time, in Kanbun - Japanese in classical Chinese.
