Simon Paulli

Simon Pauli ( the younger), also Danish Paulli Simon ( born December 6, 1603 Rostock, † April 13, 1680 in Copenhagen ) was a German physician in the service of the Danish kings Christian IV and Frederick III.


Simon Pauli was the grandson of the Rostock Superintendent Simon Pauli ( the Elder ) and son of Rostock professor of medicine and temporary rector (1596 ) of the University Henry Pauli ( 1565-1610 ), who went in 1604 as a personal physician to the Queen Dowager Sophie Nykøbing.

Simon Pauli studied medicine in Rostock, Leiden and Paris. After a trip to England, he completed his studies at Wittenberg, and was here in 1630 received his doctorate of medicine. He practiced in Rostock and Lübeck, and taught from 1634 to 1639 as a professor at the University of Rostock. 1639, he was appointed professor of anatomy, surgery and botany at the University of Copenhagen. Here he set up in 1645 for the first time a one Theatrum Anatomicum. His students included, among others, Joel and Niels Stensen Langelott.

Commissioned by King Christian IV, he published a herbal book entitled Flora Danica - a precursor of 100 years younger panel work Flora Danica. After his accession of Frederick III. Thomas Bartholin wanted to entrust this with the Chair. To compensate, he appointed Paulli personal physician and provided him with a prelature in Aarhus a sinecure.

Pauli wrote one of the first on the medical effects of tobacco and tea. However, it soon he represented the disproven claim that the tea plant with the European Gagelstrauch is identical.

From Pauli's sons Jacob Henrik (1637-1702; 1698 ennobled by rose sign (t) Paulyn ) was an anatomist and diplomat in Danish service, Daniel ( 1640-1684 ), bookseller and publisher in Copenhagen, Simon printer and publisher in Strasbourg, and a Another son, Olliger ( Holger ) Pauli ( 1644-1714 ), was after initially successful economic activity in the Danish East India Company in an extremely- pietistic publicist.


Carl Linnaeus named Paul in honor of a genus of Soapberry Paullinia.


Title Page

Caltha palustris in the Flora Danica 1648

Flora Danica 1648: Text page for Caltha palustris

  • Quadripartitum Botanicum, de Simplicium Medicamentorum Facultatibus Rostock in 1639, expanded edition Strasbourg: Paulli 1667-1668
  • Flora Danica det er: Dansk Urtebog: Udi huilcken, efter hans Kongl: mayst ... Christiani IV .. skriftlig Befalning til Facultatem Medicam, udi det Kongelig Universiteet Kiøbenhafn, icke alleeniste Urternis Historiske Beskrifvelse, Krafters oc Virkninger, med andragis zijrligste Figurer: Men endocsaa Lægedomme til all Siugdomme gafulige, korte time oc clear time antegnis: Saa at which he Baade s Urtebog oc Lægebog / med største Flijd oc Umage elaborerit af Simone Paulli, 1648
  • De Abusu Tabaci Americanorum veterinary, Et Herbae Thee Asiaticorum in Europe Novo. Strasbourg: Paulli 1665
  • Been decomposed on a Royal riding horse as Anatomical Art by Anatomically and Medici African bedencken, 11 Christ- month 1671: what hinbeigefügt same wolmeinender Raht how [ NEGST Divine grace, the Anatomey means of ] the people of the caliber and those nachbleibenden Verlähmnissen, far better than our ancestors could curiren, 1672