
As a scarf Auer ( Old Prussian Skalavo, Skalwa ) the northernmost of the twelve tribes of Old Prussian is called.

The sparsely populated area Schalauen was located on the lower reaches of the Nemunas between Nadrauen in the south and in the north cures both sides of the Memel. In the West Schalauen reached to the Curonian Lagoon, ran south along the rivers Gilge and Ossa to Nadrauen and further east before reaching the border with Sudauen over the Memel.

The scarf Auer had three major castles: carbon black ( Lithuanian Rusnė ) in the Nemunas River Delta, Jomsborg, Jumpne, Iumne at the foot of the Curonian Spit and Rangite ( Ragnit ) on the holy mountain Rambynas, which formed the center of the settlement area.

From 1406 Samogitian were beginning to settle in Schalauen.

  • Baltic tribe
  • Historical European ethnicity
  • Ethnicity ( East Prussia )