Souconna (mythology)

Souconna was in Celtic mythology, the female deity of the river Saône. This river was from the 4th century AD the name Souconna, the older name for him was Arar (available on the tribal name of the Ambarrer, Ambi- Arari = " at both sides of the Arar living ends ").

In 1912, a consecration inscription for this goddess in Chalon -sur -Saône (Burgundy ) ( ILTG 314) was found. Although Another epigraph near Sagonne (department Cher, former Roman province of Gallia Aquitania ) also bears this name, it is likely, however, may be a different deity because of the large distance between the two localities.

In Ammianus Marcellinus, the river is referred to as Sauconna, possibly in the derivation of Sac'hauna or Sac'hoon (Celtic: " sleeping water"), due to its slow flow rate.
