Southern Midlands Council

- 42.3147.36666666667Koordinaten: 42 ° 18 ' S, 147 ° 22' O The Southern Midlands is a Local Government Area ( LGA) in the Australian state of Tasmania. The area is 2561 km ² and has about 5,700 inhabitants.

The Southern Midlands are to the east of the island about 70 km north of the capital, Hobart. The area includes 28 districts and towns: Andover, Antill Ponds, Baden, Baghdad, Broad Marsh, Campania, Colebrook, Elderslie, Jericho, Kempton, Lemont, Levendale, Lower Marshes Mangalore Melton Mowbray, Oatlands, Pawtella, Rhyndaston, Runnymede, Stonehenge, Stonor, Swanston, Tiberias, Tunbridge, Whitefoord, Woodbury Woodsdale and York Plains. The seat of the City Council is located in Oatlands in the northwest of the LGA, where about 760 inhabitants.


The Southern Midlands Council has nine members. The Mayor ( Mayor ), his deputy ( deputies) and Councillor seven are elected directly by the residents of the LGA. Southern Midlands is not divided into districts.

