Steven Girvin

Steven M. Girvin ( born April 5, 1950 in Austin, Texas) is an American theoretical physicist.

Girvin studied at Bates College (Bachelor 1971) and at the University of Maine ( master's degree, 1973). In 1977 he received his doctorate from Princeton University. After post-doctoral period at Indiana University and the Technical University of Chalmers, he was from 1979 to 1987 at the National Bureau of Standards. After that, he was a professor at Indiana University and at Yale University, where he was from 2007 Deputy Provost from 2001 professor. Eugene Higgins Professor He is Professor of Physics and of Applied Physics at Princeton. In 1999 he co-founded the Boulder Summer School in Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, and he also organized summer schools in Aspen Center. 1997/98 he stood before the advisory board of the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics.

Girvin deals as a theoretical solid state physicist with the quantum Hall effect and the superconductivity transition insulator in thin films, quantum optics ( superconducting microwave circuits with quantum electrodynamics methods, Circuit QED) and quantum information theory. With his experimental colleague Robert Schoelkopf and Robert Devoret he demonstrated quantum information algorithms ( such as the search algorithm of Grover ) on a two - qubit processor.

He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences (2006), the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and a Fellow of the American Physical Society and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. In 2007 he received the Oliver E. Buckley Condensed Matter Prize.


  • With Prange (ed.): The Quantum Hall Effect, Springer, 1987, 2nd edition 1990 ( therein by Girvin: Collective Excitations )
  • With Schoelkopf, Clerk, Devoret, Marquardt Introduction to quantum noise, measurement and amplification, Rev. Mod Phys., Bd.82, 2010 S.1155
  • The quantum hall effect: novel excitations and broken symmetries, Les Houches Lectures 1998