Strategic Rail Authority

The Strategic Rail Authority (SRA ) was an authority which held the supervision of rail transport in the United Kingdom, the overall strategy stipulated and operating rights awarded. With the entry into force of the Railways Act 2005, the SRA was dissolved and transferred its functions to the railway department of the Ministry of Transport.

Made was the SRA after the 1997 General Election and the formation of a new government of the Labour Party. The aim was to enforce binding rules for the shattered after the privatization of British Rail railway network. In 2000 it was on 1 February 2001 formally formed on the basis of the Transport Act after she had previously performed the duties of the Office of Passenger Rail Franchising. The SRA was under the supervision of the British Transport Minister, in Scotland, in addition of the Scottish transport minister, also in Greater London the Mayor of London.

After the dissolution of the SRA whose duties were transferred to different locations; the British government, the infrastructure company Network Rail, the decentralized governments of Scotland and Wales and the Greater London Authority.
