Swietopelk I, Duke of Pomerania

Suatopolk, also Swantopolk or Swantopolk, was a Duke of Pomerania in the early 12th century.

The only tradition to Suatopolk comes from the Chronicle of the Benedictine monk Gallus Anonymus ( † after 1116). This reported that Suatopolk by the Polish Duke Boleslaw III. Wry-mouthed, his relatives, had been used in Nakel. Having, however, against Duke Boleslaw III. did not consider the promised loyalty, he was 1111/1112 subject and had to put his son as a hostage. A little later, the Chronicle reports that new fighting Castle Nakel at Duke Boleslaw III. was passed because the defenders of Suatopolk expected no help.

The Chronicle also reported that a Pomeranian duke already 1107/1108 in Kolberg the Polish Duke Boleslaw III. had subdued. Maybe this was already Suatopolk.

For 1119 the Chronicle reports that Duke Boleslaw III. at Nakel two Pomeranian Dukes defeated. Whether Suatopolk was one of the two, is not known.

In the annals of Krakow is named for the year 1122 " Zuetopolc dux Odrenis ". Perhaps this refers also to this Suatopolk. The historian Adolf Hofmeister participated in this; the historian Roderich Schmidt contrast, goes from two different dukes.

No details are known about Duke Suatopolk. In particular, is unknown what relationship Duke Suatopolk stood to the Duke Suatobor mentioned in the chronicles of Gallus Anonymus few years earlier and whether Duke Suatopolk was an ancestor of the Pomeranian ducal family of grasping, as its first representative assured the brothers Wartislaw I. ( † before 1148 ) and Ratibor I ( † 1156 ) have survived.
