Tagish Lake

The Tagish Lake is a lake in the Province of British Columbia and the Yukon Territory in Canada.

Tagish means as much as " fish trap " in the old Tagish dialect of Gwich'in, Athabascan a language.

It extends across the border between the Yukon and British Columbia. The lake is over 100 kilometers long, about two miles wide and has several side arms. In one of the side arms, the Graham Inlet, of the Atlin River flows into the lake. The Natasaheeni River forms the outflow of the Bennett Lake and empties into the Windy Arm. At the northern end of the Tagish Lake at Lansdowne Tagish River leaves the lake and flows out to the nearby Marsh Lake.

On 18 January 2000 struck the Taku Arm, the south-eastern part of the lake, a meteorite, Tagish Lake see ( meteorite ).
