Taku River

The Taku River is a 80 km long river in the Boundary Ranges, a mountain range of the Coast Mountains, on the North American Pacific coast. He is, among others, fed by the Stikine Icecap.

The river is called Taku from the confluence of the River Inklin and Nakina River about 50 km south-east of Atlin Lake in the kanadaischen province of British Columbia. It flows southwest, crossing the Canadian- American border and flows about 30 km north-east of Alaska's capital Juneau in the Taku Inlet, a bay of Stephens Passage. The total length of source rivers is 250 km. The catchment area covers 29,800 km ², of which 2300 km ² in Alaska. At the level 08BB005 ( ⊙ 58.538611111111-133.7 ) near Juneau, the average outflow 390 m³ / s

In Taku Inlet, the river meets the Taku Glacier, which has been dammed him several times until the 18th century. The reservoir formed thereby has broken through the ice dam for the last time in 1750 and since then has not occurred again.

The lower reaches of the Taku River is adjacent to the Alexander Archipelago habitat of the Taku, a group of the Tlingit Indians.
