Teacher's Pet (2004 film)

Disney's Teacher's Pet: The Movie (English: Teacher's Pet ) is an American animated film the Walt Disney Company from 2004 The movie is an offshoot of the animated series Disney's Teacher's Pet by Gary Baseman. .


During the summer holidays Leonards teacher and mother Mary Lou Helperman is nominated award for Neato to the award ceremony in Florida she takes with Leonard. However, Leonard's dog does not ride spot to the awards ceremony and must stay home. While all the other pets Mr. Jolly and Pretty Boy on TV Pet Sitter to spot is accidently hit the remote and zap on Barry Angels with scientist Dr. Ivan hospital who claims to be able to transform animals into humans. Spot finds out that Dr. sick lives in Florida and travels there. A few kilometers outside the city finds Leonard spot, this disguises herself as a student Scott Leandready and travels with them.

Once they have arrived at their destination spot Leonard confesses that he is looking for a Dr. sick leave to turn into a real man. Leonard agrees and helps him to search for the scientists. You can find Dr. Sick, the erärgert about his recent failures. His unsuccessful experiments help Dr. sick when trying to spot in a living human being to transform, but in an adult. Dr. sick wants to show with Scott his success of mankind. Scott is going to get his own clothes, a car rented and is also the director of Unifortunotelly Trailer Park. Mr. Jolly and Pretty Boy save spot and the other mutations before Dr. sick. After a train ride the failed experiments go to Cuba and Florida. While Pretty Boy and Mr. Jolly lost in Cuba, attracting the human Spot up with Leonard, who now wants to make spot again a dog. The want Dr. Sick and its mutations prevent so spot of mankind can be presented. Finally spot in Dr. Kranks laboratory can be transformed into a dog again.


" Simpleton animated film based on a Disney television series that entertains not appropriate for children even halfway intelligent. "
