
Teloché is a municipality with 3020 inhabitants (as of January 1, 2011 ) in the canton Écommoy in France. It is located in the department of Sarthe and in the Pays de la Loire. Its inhabitants are called Télochéens.


Teloché is about 15 km south of Le Mans. The Sarthe flows 8 km to the northwest. Due to the location of Rhonne flows.


The roads D 140 and D 144 intersect in the city. The Autoroute A28 from Le Mans to Tours runs 3 km to the east.


The population of Teloché has increased from 1962 to 2008 - from 1,744 to 3,034 inhabitants.


  • The TuS Varrel ( Stuhr in Diepholz in Lower Saxony) maintains a partnership with the AS Teloché from Teloché.
  • The community itself is Stuhr partner community to Écommoy, the capital of the canton Écommoy.