Text Encoding Initiative

The Text Encoding Initiative (TEI ) is an organization founded in 1987 (since 2000 as the TEI Consortium organized ) and an eponymous document format for encoding and exchange of texts, which has developed these and further developed. In the current version P5, the format is based on XML and is defined in a meta-language, can be derived from the formal schemes such as DTD, XML Schema and RELAX NG schema.

TEI has become a de facto standard within the humanities, where it is used for example for coding of printed works ( Science Edition ) or for the award of linguistic information (linguistics) in texts.


TEI has been developed since 1988 on the basis of SGML, the first draft of P1 ( P for english proposal - proposal ). Released in 1990 After an intermediate version of P2 ( 1992), which included enhancements and corrections, 1994, which in turn extended TEI version P3 - the first stable version - passed. With the development and diffusion of XML and TEI had to be further developed. To this end, the TEI Consortium was founded in 2000. The first version of XML P4 was released in 2002, was the same version TEI Lite with a stripped-down amount of elements. Since 2005, the P5 version was developed, which was released on 1 November 2007. It was technically thoroughly revised and expanded content, including a standard for describing manuscripts ( MASTER) has been integrated.


TEI is composed of various pertinent modules containing for example, elements of the document structure, the award of poems and dramas, for marking individual rows and pages for tables, for text-critical remarks or for speech corpora, terminology and dictionaries. There is a core of modules, which contains common elements such as

for paragraphs. This core can be expanded depending on the project to the required modules that enable a highly differentiated award of text features. The TEI scheme for a concrete application itself is defined as TEI document in a meta-language ( called ODD document: One Document Does it all). From the ODD document formal schemes, such as DTD, XML Schema and Relax NG schema can be generated automatically. Both the adjustment of TEI and also for the generation of the schemes provide TEI sites tools.


Hello World!

The following example encodes a poem with detailed bibliographic information and information on the line and page count (TEI Lite).
