The New Adventures of Superman (TV series)

A Job for Superman ( Original title: The New Adventures of Superman ) is an American animated Superman television series that was produced by Filmation and aired on CBS 1966-1970. A total of 68 published sequences with short films about Superboy or other super heroes, which is why the second season under the title The Superman / Aquaman Hour of Adventure and the third season was entitled The Batman / Superman Hour.


With Lou Scheimer and Norm Prescott, the series was first broadcast in 1966. She is one of the first Superman cartoon films according to the Superman shorts from the 1940s. The series was so popular that three more seasons followed in a short time. Because of the many scenes where Superman beats his enemies with fists, protested the conservative organization Action for Children 's Television against the shipment. As a result, the series was discontinued in 1970. In 1973, Superman played in the less violent mission Superfriends with.
