The Sentinel (1992 film)

  • Emmanuel Salinger: Mathias Barillet
  • Thibault de Montalembert: Jean -Jacques
  • Jean -Louis Richard: Bleicher
  • Valérie Dréville: Nathalie
  • Marianne Denicourt: Marie Barillet
  • Jean -Luc Boutté: Varins
  • Bruno Todeschini: William
  • Philippe Duclos: Macaigne
  • Fabrice Desplechin: Simon
  • Emmanuelle Devos: Claude

La sentinelle is a French film directed by Arnaud Desplechin from the year 1992. Had its premiere of the film at the film festival in Cannes.


The aspiring forensic scientist Mathias, who lives in Germany, decides to return to France. On the train he meets a man who utters insults and disappears. The next day he finds in his trunk a shrunken head. The confused Mathias holds his discovery secret and tries to clarify the origin of the head.


The lexicon of international film called The Guard as " the fascinating Talentprobe a young director ."

The New York Times commented negatively about the plot of the film. However, it is a gripping portrait of student life in France. The reviewer also praised the actors, particularly lead actor Emmanuel Salinger.

According to the film magazine Box Office Magazine, the director had content and style, although some good ideas, but this is to bad, so that the result is a mediocre David Lynch copy.
