Théâtre National Populaire

The Théâtre National Populaire (TNP ) is a theater in Villeurbanne, which had until 1972 its headquarters in Paris.


The theater was founded in 1920 in Paris by Firmin Gémier at the Palais du Trocadéro, which was built for the Universal Exhibition of 1878. Gémiers intention to create a true folk theater could be realized due to lack of funds only partially, so that the theater had to rely on guest appearances of other state theater companies.

As the Palais de Chaillot was built on the foundations of the demolished Palais du Trocadéro to the World Exhibition of 1937, was an auditorium with 3000 seats available, the Théâtre national de Chaillot. In March 1939, listed here with The Bourgeois Gentilhomme the first piece.

1940-1951 found under Pierre Aldebert large open-air performances on the forecourt of Notre- Dame de Paris cathedral instead. In 1951, Jean Vilar, the management of the theater. Because the Palais de Chaillot was used by the United Nations, he had pieces such as Le Cid, The Prince of Homburg and Mother Courage perform in the Paris Arbeitervorstädten.

After returning to the Palais de Chaillot was with numerous measures of the character of the TNPS stressed as National Theatre: Doors 18.45 clock earlier with musical attunement and ability to inexpensive meals, gratuities prohibition, free cloakroom, games start 20.15 clock and thus an hour as in all other theaters. There were also special subscription forms, visitors' organizations and regular discussions with actors and directors, which are almost always guaranteed a full house. At the end of the season, the ensemble went to the Festival of Avignon, where Vilar kept the festival management after his resignation from directorship of the TNP.

1963-1967 Georges Wilson was head of the TNP. 1967, the second, 500 -seat end Salle Gémier was inaugurated with pieces of Kateb Yacine and Tancred Dorst.

In 1972 the Théâtre de la Cité de Théâtre National Populaire Villeurbanne the name transferred while the theater in the Chaillot Palace since then bears the name of Théâtre National de Chaillot. The management of the TNP in Villeurbanne was 1972 Roger Planchon and Patrice Chéreau, 1986-1996 at Planchon and Georges Lavaudant and 1996-2002 alone at Planchon. In 2002, Christian Schiaretti the management of the theater.
