Theodor Kotschy

Karl Georg Theodor Kotschy ( born April 15, 1813 in Rhyl, Austrian Silesia, † June 11, 1866 in Vienna ) was an Austrian botanist, explorer and plant collector. From his travels, mostly in the Orient, he brought more than 300,000 plant specimens. Its official botanical author abbreviation is " Kotschy ".


Theodor Kotschy is the son of evangelical theologians, educators and botanist Carl Friedrich Kotschy. 1836-1838 accompanied Kotschy Joseph Egger Russ on his research trip to Cilicia, Syria, Egypt and the Sudan. In 1839 he revisited Kordofan, 1840 Cyprus, Asia Minor in 1841. 1842-1843 he undertook an expedition to Persia, where he succeeded to the Damavand, after which he returned about Erzurum, Trebizond and Constantinople Opel back to Vienna. Further journeys led him in 1855 again to Egypt and Palestine in 1859 to Cyprus, Asia Minor and Kurdistan. In 1862 he traveled again Cyprus and northern Syria.

Numerous plant and animal species carry Kotschys names, including the occurring on the island of Karak in the Persian Gulf quadrangle crab ( Epixanthus kotschyi ) and the Aegean Naked -toed Gecko ( Mediodactylus kotschyi ). The plant genus Kotschya is named after him.

Kotschy regarded as the founder of the Orient Research in Austria.


  • Illustrations and descriptions of new and rare animals and plants, collected in Syria and western Taurus, 1843
  • Analecta botanica (along with Heinrich Wilhelm Schott and Carl Frederik Nyman ), 1854
  • Conifers of the Cilician Taurus ( together with Franz Antoine ), 1855
  • The oaks of Europe and the Orient, 1858-1862
  • Plantae Tinneanae (together with Johann Joseph Peyritsch ), 1867
  • Travel in the Cilician Taurus about Tarsus, 1858