Thomas J. Watson Research Center

The Thomas J. Watson Research Center is the headquarters of IBM Research with a total of eight labs in six countries.

It consists of three different locations with four building complexes. The headquarters is located in Yorktown Heights ( Westchester County, New York), two other buildings in Hawthorne (New York ) and one in Cambridge (Massachusetts ).

The research center was named after Thomas John Watson Sr. and Thomas John Watson junior.


The IBM research center was founded in 1945 at Columbia University as Watson Scientific Computing Laboratory. Original address was the 116th Street in New York. 1953, expanded in the 115th street. In 1961, the research center was moved to Yorktown Heights in 1984 and moved into a new building in Hawthorne.


Employees of the Thomas J. Watson Research Center were or are Benoît Mandelbrot, Maurice Karnaugh, Mihir Bellare, Gregory Chaitin, Rolf Landauer, James Cooley Charles H. Bennett, Michael O. Rabin, Erwin Hahn, DK Ray - Chaudhuri, Richard Garwin ( which at times was Director ), Dana Scott, Shmuel Winograd and Mark Russinovich.

The Thomas Watson Research Center is also known for the development of the Blue Gene supercomputer, such as the Blue Gene supercomputer Watson baptized with 20 Racks of 1024 processors ( 91.3 Teraflops in the LINPACK benchmark).

Another well-known application from the Thomas Watson Research Center IBM Watson.
