Timothaus Mar Shallita

Timothy Mar Shallita Youwala (* July 14, 1936 in Dure, Barwar Bala, Iraq) is a former bishop of Barwar (Iraq) and current Archbishop of the European Diocese of the " Ancient Church of the East".


The son of Khana and Zaia Odisho comes from the family since the mid-18th century in succession (from uncle to nephew ) ordered Assyrian bishops of Barwar region with the official name Yawallaha ( Yahballaha, Youwala ), registered office and grave lay in the traditional village dure ( Dera ). Of them used alone Mar Isho ˁ yahb Yawallaha (1840-1918) from 1903 church for several years communion with the Pope in Rome. After the death of his successor Mar Yalda Yawallaha (* 1890, † November 18, 1950 ) occurred because of the too young age of the two methods provided as a successor nephews (then 16 and 12 ), a six-year Sedisvakanz. Metropolitan Yosip Khnanisho, the highest ranking representative of the Assyrian Church of the East in the East, ordered on 3 December 1950, general consent, a priest ( Kasha Oushana ) for " archdeacon " and diocesan administrator, whereas the two to the episcopate designated cousins ​​should first undergo the necessary training. Shallita was consecrated by Metropolitan mentioned on 3 (or 1 ) September 1954 a deacon. In competition with the July 14, 1957 by Mar Yosip Khnanisho bishop ordained Mar Andreos Yawallaha ( † 17 June 1973) could be his cousin Shallita on October 23, 1958 in Beirut by the Syriac Orthodox Patriarch Ignatius Jacob III. episcopal ordination issue, without whose communion but definitely join. In 1961, he fled from the Iraqi Kurds war to Mosul and left in 1963 to Iraq. From 1967 he has been active in Germany for Assyrian Christians in Europe. He appeared in 1969 at the order of the Catholicos - Patriarch Addai II and officiates for the Church of the Assyrian Altkalendarier as archbishop of Europe, based in Mainz -Kastel.

In the " Assyrian Church of the East" is the Barwar region today a parish of the diocese " Duhok and Russia," led by a native of Barwar Bishop Isaac Joseph (* 1959).

Pictures and Videos

  • Barwar
  • Dure, past and present