
The Tornetrask ( Duortnosjávri Sami, Finnish Torniojärvi ) is a lake in the northern Swedish province of Norrbotten County and the historic province of Lapland. Regarding his area of ​​330 km ² it is in Sweden in seventh place. Southwest of the lake are the Abisko National Park and the UNESCO Heritage Laponian.

The lake is at 341 m ö.h. in a world created by the inland valley, it is 70 km long and up to 168 m deep. The Tornetrask is usually covered from December to mid-June with ice, but it occur yearly fluctuations. The largest tributary is called Abiskojåkka and the effluent is the Torne älv.

South of the lake extends over large distances, the European Route 10 and the iron ore railway. To the west lie the villages of Abisko and Björkliden.

IORE with an empty ore train on Tornetrask

Mouth of the Abiskojåkka on Tornetrask at Abisko
