Torres Strait Island Region

- 9.8666666666667142.58333333333Koordinaten: 9 ° 52 ' S, 142 ° 35' O The Torres Strait Iceland Region is a Local Government Area ( LGA) in the Australian state of Queensland. The area is 479 km ² and has about 4250 inhabitants.


The region is an association of 15 of the 18 islands that lie in the Torres Strait between Cape York Peninsula and Papua New Guinea. They are about 2250 km away from the capital Brisbane.

The administrative headquarters of the LGA is on Thursday Iceland that are not part of the LGA itself. The region includes the following islands: Hammond, St Pauls, Kubin, Badu, Mabuiag, Yorke, Coconut, Sue, yam, Darnley, Stephens, Boigu, Saibai, Dauan and the Murray Islands.


First time in 1885 its own administration for the Torres Islands was set up in 1912, renamed in Iceland Thursday Town Council and in 1970 in Torres Shire. As of 2002, there were 15 islands own administrations, which were 2008 Torres Strait Iceland merged region. Thursday Iceland and two other islands are members of the Torres Shire.


The Torres Strait Regional Council has 16 members Iceland. 15 Councillor will of the residents of the 15 divisions ( each island has its own constituency ) elected. The Council President and Mayor ( Mayor ) is also elected by all residents of the region.

