Treaty of Washington (1836)

The Treaty of Washington was on March 28, 1836 in Washington, DC completed by Henry Schoolcraft, an Indian Commissioner of the United States, and several members of the Ottawa and Ojibwa ( Native American ) and ratified on 27 May 1836. With this agreement, the tribes were an area that approximately 13,837,207 acres ( 55,997 km ²) in the northwestern part of the Lower Peninsula of Michigan and the eastern part of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan from. This area represents approximately 37% of the present land area of the State of Michigan dar.

The boundary began on the north side of the mouth of the Grand River, and then followed the river to the east up to the limits to be taken that in the earlier treaties (Treaty of Chicago in 1821 and the Treaty of Saginaw 1819) were described. At this point, is now Boston Township, Ionia County between Saranac and Lowell. From there the boundary ran in a direct line to the headwaters of Thunder Bay River in Albert Township in the southern part of the Montmorency County between Lewiston and Atlanta. Then we went to the river to its mouth in Lake Huron after and from there north-east to the international boundary between the United States and Canada. The international border following through the St. Marys River to a point in Lake Superior north of Gitchy Seebing or Chocolay River ( in the Agreement as the "Chocolate River ") in the northeastern corner of Chocolay Township in Marquette County, just southeast of Marquette, Michigan. From there we went to the river to its headwaters in the northeast corner of Forsyth Township, a few miles northeast of Gwinn. The border ran then in direct line to the headwaters of the Escanaba River ( in the contract as the " Skonawba River of Green Bay ") and then along the south bank of the river to its mouth north of Escanaba at the Little Bay de Noc. From there through the fairway into the Bay of Green Bay and Lake Michigan through to a point west of the mouth of the Grand River. At the end east to the starting point.

Some of the Indians who had signed the contract, were killed by other Native Americans, what happened supposedly because of their participation.
