Trindade, Goiás

Trindade (Goiás ) is a town and municipality ( Portuguese: município ) of Brazil in the state of Goiás, with an area of 719 km ². It belongs to the metropolitan area of ​​Goiânia. According to statistical surveys of 2010 104.506 inhabitants were determined. National gained fame Trindade ( Trinity) by the approximately 18 km long pilgrimage " O caminho da fé " " journey of faith " from Goiania to Trindade.

Geographical location

Trindade is located about 15 km west from Goiania to 756 m altitude and is the periphery of Goiania Act. The mean annual temperature is 23 ° C with a mean annual rainfall of 1600 mm / year.

Pilgrimage and community

The pilgrimage begins in Goiania and ends in Trindade and is dotted with 14 sculptures of monumental artist Omar Souto, symbolizing the suffering of Christ.

In the center of town is the half-timbered Basilica " Igreja Matriz " from the nineteenth century. Historical information after it is located at the place and what Constantino Xavier in 1840 a ​​medallion in the clay which was the Coronation of the Virgin by the Holy Trinity represents. The medallion and locality are said to have wonderful -making powers. Soon after the first pilgrims found one and a chapel was built to house the find. According to Oscar Leal already 15,000 pilgrims were counted in 1890.

In the course of the growing number of pilgrims in 1943, the foundation stone for the modern and spacious basilica Divino Pai Eterno do e Trindade was laid. On the hill, the basilica erected in 2005, installing a pilgrimage grotto dedicated to the Virgin of Lourdes.

Very close to the modern basilica are located as part of ecclesiastical institutions accommodations for church staff, nuns and monks and sanitariums and nursing homes for people in need. Parts of the financial and material needs for maintenance of these facilities may be borne by visitors and much of the population.


The settlement began after the demise of the gold exploration around the end of the eighteenth century when prospectors settled in the region in search of cultivable land. At this time, called the " barro preto " region, meaning as much as black clay. Barro Preto was managed at that time by the district authority in Santa Cruz, which was founded in 1776. After the finding of Marie medallions 1840, the number of pilgrims increased steadily. The processions were held until 1891 without Catholic priests and aroused the suspicion of the Bishop of Goiás Dom Eduardo Silva. Finally, in 1894 German missionaries of the Redemptorist Order were appointed in the year, which, after initial difficulties in 1895 founded a monastery near the chapel " Igreja Matriz de Campinas ". Goal of missionary activity in Trindade was to lead the procession of pilgrims by Catholic priests and clergy.
