Twitch City

Twitch City is a Canadian sitcom that was erstausgestrahlt in January 1998 on CBC Television. In addition to Canada, the series was also shown in America and Australia. In 2000 came a second season of the Canadian television, after which the series was set.


Twitch City plays in Toronto, principals are television addicts Curtis, be on the correct roommate Nathan, his girlfriend Hope and supermarket employees Newbie and the cat Lucky. The scenes are limited mainly to Curtis apartment he strictly refuses to leave and the nearby supermarket. As storylines to attract those looking for a roommate, the evolving relationship between Curtis and Hope and the question of the series, which track the target cats on our planet actually.


Twitch City is available on DVD since November 2006. The 2 -disc set contains both seasons of the series as well as extras an audio commentary by Don McKellar for the consequences I Slept With My Mother and I Look Like Joyce DeWitt, biographies of the contributors and a small photo gallery.


Title factor for the consequences is almost exclusively the topic of the fictional talk show The Rex Reilly Show, which sees Curtis in each episode.

Season 1 (1998)

Season 2 (2000)

Awards (selection)
