Ulrich II, Duke of Mecklenburg-Stargard

Ulrich II, Duke of Mecklenburg [- Stargard ] ( * before 1428, † July 13, 1471 ) was from 1466 to 1471 ( ruling ) Duke in the part of the country Mecklenburg- Stargard


He was the youngest child of the Duke Henry and his wife Inge castle.


Ulrich II was probably born before 1428 and reigned only together with his father Henry. After the death of his father in 1466 he took over sole dominion.

Through the mediation of the Hanseatic cities, especially by the Stralsund Mayor Otto Voge, it came to an amicable agreement.

He was with Katherine, daughter of Prince William of Werle, married. The planned marriage in 1446 came only after lengthy disputes over the dowry existence as a result of Ribnitzer agreement dated February 24, 1454. The starting point was the dispute over inheritance after the death of the Pomeranian Duke Barnim VIII in 1451 to the inheritance of the sister Barnim VIII, Sophia of Pomerania. He was claimed as dowry for their wedding. This affected countries Zingst, Barth and Damgarten which Barnim VIII had pledged for 20,000 florins to his niece Catherine. The exact wedding day is not known, but likely to vary between 24 February (conclusion of contract ) and the 15th of September, 1454 ( first written mention of Katharine as a wife ) located. Katharine lived in documents still detectable on 21 July 1475th

About his death, there is a good source: Item in dessem iare, by Sunte Margaret (July 13 ), starf Hertich Olrich van Stargarden; vnde wente he nyne hindering naleth, dat mans name were not so red Hinrick [ IV ] van Mekelenborch in dat loud unde let sik huldegen van den Guden invited unde van den steden unde van deme Gansen country alse eneme right erfheren of the country ( in Lubeck Chronicle Grautoff II, p.337 ). Ulrich II was interred in the monastery Wanzka. There were, as in Ulrich I., rumors that he was poisoned. Ulrich II is buried at Wantzke in the monastery, and there his sword, helmet and Wapen attached, and for several years the epitaph auff Duke Ulrich hochsel. Been gesetzet Gedächtnus desire of Mylio, his Privy Council, alda, Latomus reported ( Westph. IV, Sp 399, 400).

Ulrich II was the last Duke of Mecklenburg [- Stargard ]. After his death the rule of Stargard reverted to the ruling in the duchy of Mecklenburg line of the dynasty under Henry IV.

