Uncial 051

Uncial 051 ( in the numbering of Gregory -Aland ) is a Greek uncial manuscript of the book of Revelation. Using palaeography, it has been dated to the 10th century.


The Code contains the incomplete text of Revelation from 1.1 to 11.14; 13:2-3 and 22.8 to 14 with comments from Andreas (see uncial 052) on 92 parchment leaves (23 cm x 18 cm). It was written in one column per page with 22 lines. The letters tilted to the right. The handwriting enthälat κεφαλαια (rarely counted ) and λογοι.

A comment is written in cursive letters.


The manuscript was written in Italy.

The Code is located on Mount Athos in Pantokratoros (44 ) monastery.

The Greek text of this codex was filed by Aland in category III.
