Union of October 17

The octobrists (Russian Октябристы / Oktjabristy ) were members of the Party Confederation of October 17 (Russian Союз 17 октября / Soyuz 17 oktjabrja ) in Russia.

The party lasted until the end of 1917 and had emerged from the Russian Revolution of 1905; October Manifesto precisely adopted from the October 17, 1905 by Nicholas II as a result of the Petersburg Bloody Sunday. The octobrists advocated the idea of ​​a constitutional monarchy with full legislative rights of the Duma, as envisaged in the Constitution proclaimed by Tsar.

In the third Duma ( 1907-1912 ) they placed the second- largest party after the Black Hundreds, which they were close politically. They were supported because of their conservative politics of rural nobility and entrepreneurs. In 1915 they belonged to the progressives block the opposition parties and Duma were represented after the February Revolution of 1917 in the Provisional Government. The party leaders were the industrialist Alexander Guchkovs and the landowner Mikhail Rodzyanko. Guchkovs was Minister of War, the first provisional government.
