United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea

August 2006 - July 2008

Joseph Legwaila ( Botswana )

October 2000 - July 2006

United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea ( UNMEE German: United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea ) denotes the current July 2000 to July 2008 the United Nations operation in Ethiopia and Eritrea to monitor the Algiers Agreement. The troop strength end of the mission (as of 31 January 2007) was around 2,050 soldiers and 221 military observers (including two German officers ), 194 domestic and 149 international civilians and 46 UN volunteers. When UNMEE 13 military and civilian members of the 7 mission were killed.

The UNMEE budget totaled 1.32 billion U.S. dollars. The mission was conducted from 9 September 2000 to July 2006 by Joseph Legwaila, which was, however, appointed on 1 May 2006 as Special Advisor for Africa. He was followed by Azouz Ennifar.

The mission was set, as Eritrea imposed their restrictions and the fuel supply section. The UN saw so that the mission impossible to become.

Participating States

Algeria - Bangladesh - Bosnia and Herzegovina - Bulgaria - China - Denmark - Germany - Finland - France - Gambia - Ghana - Greece - India - Iran - Italy - Jordan - Croatia - Kenya - Malaysia - Namibia - Nepal - Nigeria - Norway - Austria - Paraguay - Peru - Poland - Romania - Russia - Zambia - Sweden - Switzerland - Spain - South Africa - Tanzania - Tunisia - Czech Republic - Ukraine - United States - Uruguay
