Uno von Troil

Uno by Troil ( born February 24, 1746 Stockholm, † July 27, 1803 in Sätra brunn, community Sala ) was Archbishop of Uppsala from 1786 onwards. His father was the Archbishop Samuel Troilius.

At the age of eleven years, was written by Troil in 1757 at the University of Uppsala to study a. There he studied, among others Johan yours and graduated in 1770 graduated with a Master exam.

He then undertook a trip abroad, and attended various universities. In Göttingen he heard Michael's, Kohler, Walch and Hamberger. About France, he traveled to London where he met Joseph Banks and Daniel Solander, with whom he traveled to Iceland. In August 1772 they met on the island one, climbed the volcano Hekla and returned six weeks later on the Hebrides and the Scottish island of Staffa back.

After his return he was ordained in 1773 as pastor and two years later chaplain.

1776 married by Troil Magdalena ( " Lona " ) Elisabet Tersmeden ( 1753-1794 ).

In 1778 he became pastor of St. Nicholas Church in Stockholm. In 1780 he became Bishop of Linköping and consecrated archbishop six years later. From Troil was an honorary member of the Kungliga och Vitterhets History Antikvitets Academies and a member of the Royal Society of Sciences in Uppsala.
