UTC 14:00

UTC 14 time zone is one which the length semi-circle has 150 ° West as a reference meridian. It is located far east of the dateline, the surrounding areas use UTC - 10, ie the same time, but a date one day prior. Watches with UTC 14 show fourteen hours later than those with Coordinated Universal Time, and thirteen hours later than Central European Time.

  • Süd-Sommer-/Nord-Normalzeit
  • Sea ​​area
  • Nord-Sommer-/Süd-Normalzeit
  • Standard time throughout the year


All year round

  • Kiribati Kiribati Line Islands including Kiritimati

Daylight saving time ( Southern Hemisphere )

  • Samoa Samoa

Local time in eastern Kiribati

The Republic of Kiribati decided in 1994, the date of its most eastern islands of the County Line Islands and the islands Teraina, Tabuaeran and Kiritimati switch. Until then, the date line was run through the territory of the middle. The neighboring islands, particularly Hawaii ( USA) in the north and Tahiti ( French Polynesia) in the South use to date, the time zone UTC -10, but the line islands changed of 30 December 1994 immediately to the January 1, 1995 so there today the same time, but one days later date than in the northern and southern neighbors is listed. In relation to the capital South Tarawa ( Gilbert Islands ) is now the same date, but two hours later uses local time ( Gilbert UTC 12). With the change in the date line was shifted around the equator to about 1000 km eastward.

The revision was initiated by the then Beretitenti ( President ) Teburoro Tito, whereby in addition to the stated intention to have a uniform date in the State territory, and the effect occurred, that the islands of Kiritimati are those who carry out the earliest date change. In view of the approaching New Year's Day 1999/2000 (Millennium ) and the consequent enormous attention that would lead to the onset of the global celebrations, protested Tonga and New Zealand, whose cities Niuafoou ( Niua Islands, time offset UTC 13 ) or Waitangi ( Chatham today uses UTC 12:45 / UTC 13:45 ) hitherto considered the date line next island towns. The UN refused any competence from (time reduction is a national competence ), and the Royal Greenwich Observatory recorded the new course of the date line.

On the uninhabited Caroline Atoll in the Line Islands are now taking place the earliest date change takes place at all. On this island the global millennium celebrations with a ceremony on 31 December 1999, 15:43 UTC were (1 January 2000, 5:43 local time) opened, and it has since been officially Millennium Island (Millennium Iceland ) called.

Belonging to the United States Minor Outlying Islands Islands of the Line Islands are uninhabited and do not require dedicated time.
