Vacanze col gangster

Vacanze col gangster is an Italian film from the year 1951. In this film, the 12 -year-old Mario Girotti debuted. Later Girotti was known under the name Terence Hill.


The five students Gianni, Andrea, Mario, Hugh and Nino find when playing a message. This is from a prisoner with the number 5823, which claims to have been innocent convicted.

During the summer holidays the boys devise a plan to free the prisoner. For this purpose they send anonymously a prepared cake in the prison. The cake passes through an oversight on the prisoner Jack Mariotti ( number 6211 ), a dangerous criminal. This has planned with an accomplice to escape from the prison.

Also with the criminals under a blanket lies the beautiful singer Amelia. This may convince you that she is the sister of the prisoner 5823 Gianni. Furthermore, convince him also to free the criminals Jack Mariotti Amelia. The boys hide Jack Mariotti in a boat. Too late, they realize that they have been tricked. At the last moment the boys the police come to the rescue.

At the end of the innocent condemned prisoner will be released into the wild 5823.
