
The flow amoebae ( Vahlkampfia ) are a protozoan genus from the group of Heterolobosea.


In contrast to most Heterolobosea missing in the life cycle of the flow amoeba a flagellated stage, and they do not form fruiting bodies. The amoebae are always true to only one nucleus. The cysts may have a gelatinous sheath pores for the Excystierung are almost always ..

Way of life

Flow amoebae feed on bacteria, blue-green algae and organic sludge constituents which they take after reflow into the cell.


The genus was long considered very rich in species, primarily on the basis of molecular biological studies of rDNA numerous species proved however as not belonging to the genus. Some species have been transferred to new genera ( Paravahlkampfia, Neovahlkampfia ), others are now considered the genus Tetramitus. The remaining five types are:

  • Vahlkampfia avara
  • Vahlkampfia inornata
  • Vahlkampfia ciguana
  • Vahlkampfia Orchilla
  • Vahlkampfia signyensis


  • Excavaten