Val Curciusa

The Val Curciusa is an alpine valley in the Swiss canton of Graubünden. It allows in the region of the San Bernardino Pass a transition from Rheinwald Misox.


The Val Curciusa leads south from Nufenenpass south Misox, ending on the Bocchetta di Curciusa, a pass that directly from San Bernardino from the south-east is visible. The valley is approximately 9 miles long and is crossed by Areuabach, which flows at Nufenenpass in the Rhine.

Although the valley drains to the north, about 85 percent of the area until about 2 km upstream of the mouth of the Areuabaches in the back of the Rhine, to the south of the watershed community located Mesocco.


Although the valley in the German Nufenenpass flows into the Rhine back, it belongs to the Italian speaking area, which is also reflected in the place names. A marked mountain trail leads from the village of San Bernardino in a steep rise to the Bocchetta di Curciusa ( 2'419 m), where, can be relegated to Curciusa Alta, the first high valley, but in this area on the Curciusa side of the road is not continuously visible. About the Bocchetta di Curciusa runs the European Watershed.

The Curciusa Alta gained national fame through a pump - reservoir project, which was withdrawn in 1999 just before a Federal Court decision providing protection " for economic reasons ".

The Val Curciusa is one of the few valleys in Switzerland, in which no water is taken nor any accessibility along a road exists. It is accessible only on foot, and offers a Wild West atmosphere on the second uppermost Talk Ammer, Curciusa Bassa, where not only cattle but also horses are summered. In the step up to the Curciusa Alta branches to the west nor the Val Rossa.

Yet one step lower is the Alp de Rog, where eastward across the Areuapass and west can be diverted into the Val Vignun.

To the east of the valley lies the highest peak of Pizzo Tambo and north of the Areuapasses Guggernüll. On the west side lies south of the diversion of the Val Vignun the Piz de la Lumbreida, north of which the one horn.


Curciusa Bassa to the south, in the background on the left against the Curciusa Alta, right Val Rossa

Alpe di Rog to the south

Curciusa Bassa
