
Les Hauts Geneveys

Val -de- Ruz is a formed on 1 January 2013 municipality in the district of Val -de- Ruz of the Canton of Neuchâtel.

It was formed by the merger of political communities Boudevilliers, Cernier, Chézard -Saint- Martin, Coffrane, Dombresson, Engollon, Fenin- Vilars -Saules, Fontainemelon, Fontaines, Les Geneveys -sur- Coffrane, Les Hauts- Geneveys Montmollin, Le Pâquier, Savagnier and Villiers. For you to include all communities in the district of Val- de -Ruz with the exception of Valanginian.


The municipality of Val -de- Ruz is located in the homonymous valley in the Neuchâtel Jura between the two cities Neuchâtel and La Chaux -de-Fonds. The neighboring municipalities of Val -de- Ruz are in the canton of Neuchâtel in the southeast Lignières, in the east -Conscious, in the southeast of Neuchâtel, in the south Valanginian, Peseux and Corcelles -Cormondrèche, in the southwest of Rochefort, in the west Bread Plamboz and La sagne La sagne and northwest La Chaux -de-Fonds in the canton of Bern as well as in the north Renan, Sonvilier, St. Imier, Villeret and Nods.

