
59.12666723.796667Koordinaten: 59 ° 8 ' N, 23 ° 48 ' E

Variku is a village (Estonian küla ) in the rural community Nõva ( Nõva vald ) in Lääne.

Population and location

The village has 52 inhabitants ( 31 December 2011).

On the eastern edge of the nearby Moors Leidissoo the river Nõva ( Nõva Jõgi ) arises. By Variku the small river flows Vihterpalu ( Vihterpalu Jõgi ).


In the area of the village there are numerous boulders. The largest among them is männikivi with a diameter of 19.5 m of Kiirema. It consists of a granite Rapakiwi.

Since 1939, are under state protection also three boulders that are talu rändrahnud known as Männiku. Its circumference is 19.4 meters, 15 meters and 14.9 meters.
