Varreler Bäke

The Varreler Bäke flows under the A1 motorway through

The Varreler Bäke is about 6 km long, left-sided or southern tributary of Ochtum in the river system of the Weser. It flows in the northern part of the county Diepholz (Lower Saxony, Germany ) and in the southern region of the State of Bremen.

The Varreler Bäke is clear from the monastery stream that flows south of Bremen in Lower Saxony area through the places Bassum, Kirchseelte and Stuhr- Heiligenrode. From Stuhr- Varrel ( Tölkenbrück ) the Klosterbach given the name " Varreler Bake ". This then flows for a short distance in Diepholz and then continue on the border between Lower Saxony (city Delmenhorst ) and Bremen (district Huchting ). It opens in the Bremen district current in the Ochtum.

In Stuhr- Varrel still exists a watermill.
